Accessories & Spare Parts


      When Are Accessories and Spare Parts Required?

      As with any piece of technology, general wear and tear and the need for new accessories as they come out can help to ensure that the device is functioning at its best! Electric wheelchair parts and mobility scooter parts help a device to function optimally and things should be replaced as they begin to get older. When it comes to electric mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts, it is important to replace things before they break rather than after, as if they break and affect the function of the device they may not work which will impact your ability to move around. Along with being aware of mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts, you can also find various accessories that make your device more comfortable! We here at Ephesus have a wide variety of different accessories that can be added to scooters or wheelchairs to help make the device more functional! 

      Is It Useful to Buy Spare Parts in Advance?

      Yes, part of owning one of these devices is noting when parts begin to degrade and ordering the new wheelchair and electric mobility scooter parts before they actually break. If the parts break before the new one arrives, you may not be able to use the device which will impact your freedom of movement. One of the most important mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts to be sure you are aware of are the batteries for your device. 

      Mobility scooter batteries and electric wheelchair batteries need to be fully functional in order to work properly! By taking note of longer charging hours or the battery not lasting as long as it is meant to, you can keep up to date with the functioning of your device. By being aware of when parts are beginning to look a bit shabby and learning the signs to look out for when it comes to parts degrading, you can help to ensure that you purchase mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts before they actually break. 

      How Can You Make Your Mobility Scooter or Electric Wheelchair More Comfortable?

      You can make your mobility scooter or wheelchair far more comfortable with electric mobility scooter accessories and electric wheelchair accessories and supplies! These accessories range from handlebars to bags that are designed to fit on the device you have! These accessories for electric scooters and wheelchairs can make for a much more comfortable experience and ensure that your device is designed to function in a way that suits your lifestyle. With a number of different accessories and mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts from Ephesus, shopping our wide range will provide you with a variety of choices.

      Can You Make Your Mobility Scooter or Electric Wheelchair Go Faster?

      If you choose to, you can actually make your mobility scooter or electric wheelchair go faster! To increase the speed of your device, you will have to replace the battery with one that has a better performance level and higher capacity. When looking for a battery to help increase the speed of your electric wheelchair or scooter, it is important to look at the type of battery you currently have and upgrade to something that is compatible with your device. 

      Get Your Accessories and Spare Parts From Ephesus!

      Ephesus offers a wide array of mobility scooter and electric wheelchair parts to ensure that your device is functioning and working at its best. Along with parts, we also have a number of different accessories that you can add to your device to make it both more functional and more comfortable! From baskets that can help you to carry food to extra batteries that can ensure you always have a charged device on hand, getting your accessories and spare parts from Ephesus will ensure you have the best of the best! Ephesus only uses the best products and materials and also supplies you with a warranty that covers any issues that may occur within the first year of owning your device. By getting your spare parts and accessories from Ephesus, you can be certain that you are getting the best product around!